Star wars coruscant guard
Star wars coruscant guard

They were also the group in charge of hunting down Ahsoka Tano TMwhen she was accused of murder in the wake of the Jedi Temple bombing. They escorted Jedi™ and other senatorial dignitaries to protect them on official missions. It was their task to keep the peace on Coruscant™, to protect important buildings, and to supplement the job of the Senate Guard. This elite group of clones guards was led by Clone Commander Fox TM.

  • Metal Build / Metal Composite / Metal Robot.
  • They are rumored to be well trained and have broad. Befitting their unique status, they wear distinctive red and black armor, rather than the typical white Stormtrooper Armor.
  • Artist Mix / Cosbaby / Snap kits / Bust Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Dawn of Defiance (The Core of Corruption) Affiliations: The Senate Guard, The Galactic Empire You see what must the new type of trooper youve heard about: Coruscant Guards.
  • They were also the group in charge of hunting down Ahsoka Tano™ when she was accused of murder in the wake of the Jedi Temple bombing.Toy Square > Movie Masterpiece 1/6th, 1/4th > Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Coruscant Guard

    star wars coruscant guard

    incorrect clone wars quotestcwcommander foxcommander thorncommander thirecommander stone. It was their task to keep the peace on Coruscant™, to protect important buildings, and to supplement the job of the Senate Guard. Thorn: Not good enough, were forcefully taking over now. This elite group of clones guards was led by Clone Commander Fox™.

    Star wars coruscant guard