Factories, trade routes, and savvy businessmen were now one with star bases, supply lines and master tacticians. In the Rebellion stand-alone expansion, the three factions have fractured into Loyalist and Rebel camps, that have different philosophies and take very different stances on their enemies. Instead, they found a foreign and incomprehensible society that every day engaged in social and technological practices generally viewed as perverse and decadent on all other human worlds.

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion > General Discussion > Topic Details. Sins of a Solar Empire is one of the more unique sci-fi video games drawing on elements from the popular 4X games but combining it with real time strategy components and an entire galaxy. Reason: Superseded by article in mainspace with same or similar title.

Changes include, but are not limited to, health boosts, tougher AI, … In a rare act of autonomy, the colony decided it would be best to take precautions and temporarily evacuate to a system far from the Empire. Sins of a Solar Empire is an space-based strategy game in which players command of one of the game's three factions in a quest to rule one or more untamed star systems.